Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Obamacare Done Good!

The open enrollment deadline has passed and it looks like about 7 million people have enrolled through the healthcare exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act.  There was a huge surge in the last days and, in spite of a couple of system shutdowns yesterday, Obamacare appears to have reached it's original (i.e., before the website problems of last October) goal of 7 million signups.

It's bound to be a major topic in the midterm elections.  Up to the end, Republicans have tried to deny the real good that it has done and, in November, they will run on a platform whose centerpiece is to repeal it.  They have nothing else to show for their most recent term.  Well I guess they can say "Hey, we only shutdown the government once!" 

It being April Fool's Day, I thought I'd present a few of the egregious and ridiculous comments recently emitted from the mouths of politicians and political commentators on the subject and then give some facts. 

With 7 million people signed up for Obamacare, Republicans are hard pressed to continue to call it a disastrous failure.   That doesn't stop them from continuing the assault against the Affordable Care Act.  On Sunday, "Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)...dismissed the White House's recent announcement that Obamacare enrollment had reached more than 6 million people, calling it a meaningless figure. 'I don't think it means anything. ... I think they're cooking the books on this,' said Barrasso on  Fox News Sunday."[Huffington Post, March 30]

Fox News “Medical A-Team” contributor Dr. Manny Alvarez, “explaining” the purpose of the Affordable Care Act: “We did it for nothing. We did it to confuse America. We did it to create a false tax. We did it to create an environment of punitive damages to people that don’t follow what the federal government tells them to do.”
Read more at http://www.newshounds.us/fox_news_outrageous_quote_of_the_week_poll_3_16_14_3_22_14_03242014#7E0Jh72SwkT5Uyq1.99
Fox News “Medical A-Team” contributor Dr. Manny Alvarez, “explaining” the purpose of the Affordable Care Act: “We did it for nothing. We did it to confuse America. We did it to create a false tax. We did it to create an environment of punitive damages to people that don’t follow what the federal government tells them to do.” [Newshounds website, March 24]

No discussion of Republican blathering would be complete without an entry from Michelle Bachmann.  Here's her take on the Administration decision to extend the deadline for people who started but did not complete their applications before midnight March 31.  "Unfortunately, it is the continuation of lawlessness from the administration,” Bachmann told Fox News’s Neil Cavuto on Wednesday. [Daily Kos, March 27]

I guess you notice a theme here.  These inane comments are all from commentary on Fox "News" shows.

Now for some facts.

In addition to the 7 million sign-ups, the ACA provided numerous improvements to health care insurance in our country- including provisions that
  • Let young adults stay on their plan until 26
  • Stop insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick or if you make an honest mistake on your application
  • Prevent against gender discrimination
  • Stop insurance companies from making unjustified rate hikes
  • Do away with life-time and annual limits
  • Give you the right to a rapid appeal of insurance company decisions
  • Require all insurers to cover people with pre-existing conditions  
  • Require that all non-grandfathered health insurance plans cover preventive services (including yearly check-ups, immunizations, counseling, and screenings) at no out-of-pocket costs 
  • Essential health benefits (including emergency care, hospitalization, prescription drugs, maternity, and newborn care) must be included on all non-grandfathered plans with no annual or lifetime dollar limits.
For more information on the Affordable Care Act, see the Obamacare Facts website.

Conservative groups spent millions trying to dissuade people, especially young and healthy people,  from signing up.  The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted 50 times to repeal it or change it.  Misleading Obamacare horror stories filled the airwaves.  States refused to help people understand the law.  For nearly a month at startup, the healthcare.gov site was basically non-functional.  Still 7 million people cut through the crap thrown at them and applied.  In addition to the health exchange signups, there are millions of working poor who will now qualify for Medicaid thanks to the Medicaid expansion provision of the law.

But still the work for health care coverage is not done.

The main driving force for the ACA was to provide health care coverage for those who could not afford it.  An important provision in achieving this was the Medicaid expansion.  The intent was to cover the gap between Medicaid recipients and those who could still not afford health care insurance even with a subsidy.  State expansion of Medicaid was made voluntary by the Supreme Court in its decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act.  This decision was a game-changer

Republican governors and state legislatures, for the most part, prevented Medicaid expansion from taking effect in their state.  They did this despite the fact that the Federal government would cover about 93% of the costs for the first nine years of the expansion (2014-2022).  The CBO estimated that if all states expanded Medicaid coverage under the provisions of the ACA, 17 million people would be eligible.  

With many red states refusing to expand Medicaid at this time, between 7 and 8 million people will still not be able to afford health insurance.  States can decide to expand Medicaid at a later date.  Let's hope they do so and that public pressuring such as MoveOn.org's billboard campaign will help bring this about.  For the cost to expansion-denying states will be more than lost Federal dollars.  It will be lives. 

If the Republicans bring up their "death panel" lies again, I suggest we direct them to the January 2014 Harvard Medical School researcher's study: "Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion: The Health And Financial Impacts."  The study estimates from 7,000 to 17,000 needless deaths per year because of these state decision to keep the working poor uninsured. [Daily Kos, March 30]

So to those GOPer's who want to make Obamacare "the issue" in the mid-terms, I say "Bring it on!"


  1. Excellent material for the debate to come!

    1. Unfortunately, facts and good arguments rarely win elections. Money does, though, and today's Supreme Court decision put the proverbial nail in the coffin of campaign finance reform. The floodgates are now open.
