Thursday, December 23, 2010

Peace on Earth

"Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will." [Luke, 2:14]

The message of Christmas is one of hope, peace and unity. 

What generates more hope than a newborn child, whose story is still to be written, whose whole life is still in front of him?

The other day my brother Dennis forwarded the story of the World War I Christmas Truce between German and British soldiers on the western front.  What a great story!  Jennifer Rosenberg summarized it well in an article on the truce: "In one of the truest acts of goodwill toward men, soldiers from both sides in the southern portion of the Ypres Salient set aside their weapons and hatred, if only temporarily, and met in No Man's Land."

In spite of today's ongoing wars, there is hope.  Maybe mankind can still bring about the peaceful Kingdom of God here on Earth.  But it will take hard work by all those of good will coupled with a general raising of consciousness to understand that prayer of Jesus at the end of His life: "I pray that they will all be one, just as You and I are one." (John 17:21)

So, if some of us believe in a Virgin Birth, the Resurrection and the Transubstantiation of bread and wine, we can also hope for a transformation of the world to one of peace and unity. 

It won't come easily or automatically. We will need to work at it ceaselessly and keep up our hope.  As another of my heroes once sang: "War is over if you want it. "

Peace.  And have a merry, hopeful Christmas.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Plus and Minus

There are some +'s and -'s to the tax cut compromise working its way through Congress.  And there are a number of ways it can be improved.

Unemployment benefits extended for 13 months
Middle class tax cuts extended for 2 years
Decrease in the payroll tax (Social Security)
The above will help grow jobs since the people receiving them will spend the money and stimulate the economy.
Possible approval of START treaty by Senate
Possible passage of DADT

1/3 of the tax package goes to rich Americans and corporations - this will add $300 bilion dollars to the deficit without, if history is taken into account, any "trickle down" to create jobs.
The additional debt adds to the potential for a decrease in US bond ratings (Moody's)
It provides a validation of the disastrous conservative vision of the economy that led to the current mess in the first place
If the high end tax cuts are not allowed to expire in 2 years, they will lead to cuts in social services and entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare, further eroding the social safety net of the country and dragging us back to pre-(1930's) depression conditions.  That's really the point of these tax cuts, isn't it?  Or as the very conservative Grover Norquist said: "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." 

How it might be improved
Make the time period for the high end tax cuts expiration one year instead of two
As a minimum, set the estate tax rate back where it was in 2009: 45% on estates worth 3.5 million dollars or more.

The Senate passed the compromise package today but it still needs to get through the House.  Perhaps it can be improved there.  Or perhaps the version the House passed can be taken to committee and reconciled with the Senate bill.  Let's hope so.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What would John Lennon think?

John Lennon was killed 30 years ago on December 8 and the world has been the worse for it ever since. 

I remember hearing about it while watching Monday Night Football.  Howard Cosell announced that "this news hit me like a ton of bricks" and told the audience that John Lennon had just died of the gunshot wounds inflicted earlier in the evening. 

I remember going to a memorial to celebrate his life and music on the campus of Louisiana State University.  Somewhere in the archives of a Baton Rouge TV station there is some news footage showing our two (at the time) young sons in matching shirts wandering through the crowd.

I remember all the great music and the peaceful and loving presence that he was.

Besides being one of the most popular rock song writers ever, John Lennon was an icon to the love & peace generation. Through his music he influenced us all.

How much does an artist reflect his times and how much does he inform it? In John’s case, it was heavily weighted towards the latter. The Beatles burst on the pop scene in 1962 and in time they “came to be perceived as the embodiment of progressive ideals, seeing their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960‘s.” [Wikipedia article]

Indeed.   In the late 1960‘s, John’s songs became more overtly political. “Give Peace A Chance” released in 1969 became an anthem of the anti-war movement.   His 1971 song Imagine not only envisions a world at peace but also with no countries, no possessions, nothing to kill or die for, no need for greed or hunger...”a brotherhood of man”.

Of course that kind of idealism will get you some unwanted attention.  In the run-up to the 1972 elections,  the FBI assembled around 300 pages of files on John Lennon, part of President Nixon's effort to deport Lennon to silence him as a critic of the war in Vietnam.    In a 2006 NYTimes op-ed piece on a recently released documentary and the ongoing domestic spying abuses, Adam Cohen wrote “ 'The U.S. vs. John Lennon' would be a sobering film at any time, but it is particularly so right now. It is the story not only of one man being harassed, but of a democracy being undermined.”

 So 30 years after his murder, what do you think John Lennon would make of the current American scene?

The growing and seemingly unending sinkhole of the Afghanistan war...
Denying unemployment benefits and blocking a nuclear arms treaty until the richest Americans can have a continuation of their tax breaks...
The State of Arizona cutting Medicaid funds for organ transplants for the neediest...
The hounding of Wikileaks for airing the dirty laundry of US diplomacy...
The dividers and haters and liars...

Strange world and strangely worse than the '60's because back then we could still hope for change.  And there were still people who could make you feel that hope.  Rest gently, John, but we sure could use you now.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Boehner McConnell and Chicken Crap

It was hilarious to listen to John Boehner call Thursday's House vote to extend middle class tax cuts “chicken crap”.

No Mr. Boehner, what is chicken crap is the Republican obstruction of any meaningful legislation whether it is national defense (START), help for the unemployed (expiring unemployment benefits), or stimulus for jobs creation.

What is chicken crap, Mr. Boehner, is Mitch McConnell’s letter signed by 42 Republican Senators that they will block any legislation that is put forward before the tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of the country is extended.

What is chicken crap, Mr. Boehner, is standing in the way of legislation that will help this country emerge from the recession and placing politics above the good of the people so that the right wing can limit President Obama to a single term.

What is chicken crap and totally counter-intuitive, Mr. Boehner, is demanding deficit reduction while also demanding that the highest impact item on the deficit - the extension of the Bush high end tax cuts - be passed.

The argument for the high end tax cuts is that this will spur the economy - well it hasn’t ever done this since this misguided “trickle down” economics first raised its ugly head in the Reagan era. As Warren Buffett pointed out in an interview with ABC last month: "The rich are always going to say that, you know, 'Just give us more money, and we'll go out and spend more, and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you.' But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on."