Wednesday, September 17, 2014

No threat to us and not our fight

Obama's proposed airstrikes against Islamic State are wrong on many levels.  To quote Phyllis Bennis, writing in The Progressive,  "We have to recognize that military attacks are not only wrong in a host of ways (illegal in international law, immoral because of civilian casualties, a distraction from vitally needed diplomacy) but also that those strikes are making real solutions impossible." Incredibly, we are now hearing bleatings from hawks for "boots on the ground" (again) in Iraq and (at last) in Syria to fight ISIS as well as calls for arming Syrian rebel forces.  This is a sectarian war - the discordant rumblings among Arab nations in the so-called coalition makes this eminently clear.  We should take no part in it.  In spite of the rhetoric from neocons, from various failed presidential and vice-presidential candidates, and from "perpetual war" believers, ISIS poses no imminent threat to the United States.  Islamic State has never made any threat to take the sectarian war being fought in the Middle East to the United States.

We've made mistakes before based on nonexistent threats - remember Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?  That's right - there were none.  Our unnecessary and unjustifiable invasion of Iraq set the stage for the creation of jihadist groups in the region. By destroying Iraq's government, military, and institutions, we ensured the rise of terrorist groups in countries where they were previously absent.  There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before our invasion brought them there.  There was no Islamic State in Iraq and Syria before we installed a partisan Shia to lead Iraq.  In spite of our role in destabilizing the Middle East by our totally misguided actions over the past 13 years, this is not our fight.

Why are we still giving any credence to those who misled us into those wars or to those who supported them?  Why is Obama caving in to the hawks and neocons, who should have lost all credibility by now?  The United States cannot be the world's policeman.  We tried that and failed.  The neocon dream of a new American century where all do our bidding is dangerous, costly and, ultimately, harmful to America.  Somehow we fail to understand that there is no military solution to this war.

A comprehensive diplomatic solution for both Iraq and Syria must be sought.  It is indeed the only solution to the sectarian strife now raging there.  Everyone in the region needs to be at the table - and that includes Iran.  (John Kerry, please take note.)

The arms flow to all parties must be stopped and the US should not arm any faction in these civil and sectarian wars.  Here again, diplomacy - diplomacy to weaken support for ISIS - is the right answer.  Continuing the arms flow to the combatants just prolongs these wars, adds to the death toll and ensures the continued misery of the civilian populations.

There's much that can be done short of military action.  Why these other courses of action are not being accorded the highest priority speaks volumes about the failure of political imagination and the downright stupidity gripping political "leaders".  "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."  The quote sometimes attributed to Albert Einstein pretty much sums it up.  Our political leaders are in the throes of military insanity.  They can't even learn from past mistakes.

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